Let It Be is my favorite album. I dont know, its just like raw, showing how they were really fucked up, ruined, out of whack, just that that that, how am I gonna say this, I mean like, look! They are not even in the same frame!!!
Yeaaaay, we got the record! (in the same frame)
Get high! Get high! Get high! (in the same frame)
We'll help Ringo! (in the same frame)
Hanya orang beriman yang bisa liat kami (in the same frame)
We're awesome. There's "we" in "awesomeness" (in the same frame)
I dont know any of these guys (in separated frame)
*Those are spoken with John's voice
Some of my favorite Beatles' song are in here like "I've Got A Feeling", John's trashy song like "Dig A Pony" which is kind of song that I would sang with excessive energy & emotion in the middle of rough (pseudo-drunk like) night, and you can see- I mean- hear- I mean-feel George's bitterness with the member's egos in "I Me Mine", the saddest song ever "The Long and Winding Road", and I always had an orgasm whenever I heard John's jokes in "Get Back". Its not their last recording, but I love how humane, and again, raw, this album, in my opinion. And you, true Beatlemania, I am up for critic.........
Model : The Beatles
Pencil on paper (LYRA Sketchbook)