Rabu, 02 Januari 2013

The Atmosphere on January 1st, 2013 is like my mom

I am not a "Save Earth or I'll rip your dick" hippie kinda girl, so I am just gonna point out how the mother earth is like my mom.  When I was 5 or 6, I was mad at my mom, I squeezed a picture of her, etc and it was all because I was jealous that she gave more of her time to my newborn little sister, you know, typical older sister.  But then you know what happened, on my birthday, she and my dad gave me a compilation album of the most popular telenovela's songs, like Rosalinda, Marimar, Cinta Paulina, etc. I was so happy, you have no idea.

you have no idea

And the atmosphere, okay, you threw all of those bang bang bum bum stuffs in the air all night and all over the place, yet now the mother earth is still blessing our soul and sanity and sleep and quality time with twitter, that you are now still reading this. 

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