G: Si xxxx mana ya?
X: Sibuk, Ges, dia sekarang kan (suatu jurusan IPA), Ges, tugasnya banyak..
G: Lah, tugas gue juga banyak...
X: Tapi kan beda, Ges, dia, mesti bikin ini.... bikin itu..
G: Lah, gue juga bikin ini bikin itu (coba lo ngerjain tugas gue, dalam hati)
X: Tapi kan kalo (suatu jurusan IPA) susah, blablablablabla(yang intinya, secara implsit bilang jurusan gue, seni rupa, itu ecek-ecek, gampang)...
G: *tired* *ngalihin topik*
There are too who were like thinking they are doing more serious works by taking engineering, politics, law, accounting and stuffs. I felt insulted and pissed, until someday, I was in metro mini and looking at tukang parkir across the road. He made me realise that pekerjaan atau studi seseorang is actually the way they see life. Me, as an art student, ngelihat hidup gak bisa lepas dari seni. Anak-anak teknik, komunikasi, ilmu komputer dll will say the same with their majors. Even orang yang ngambil pekerjaan/jurusan yang gak mereka suka have their way, that they get angry and see life as a cruel and unfair thing. Tukang parkir see the world as a bunch of vehicles to be arranged and located in a sufficient space, because, jeeez, imagine our city without a proper parking lot. In other view, it does look arrogant, antropocentric, like a "mine is better than yours" "you do nothing without me" game.
That's why every jurusan always like "nanti ini bisa ke mana-mana", because you know, with that way of seeing life, they can always see the opportunity or place for the job in every thing. Pabrik kancing baju will always said they're needed, because, well, not all people are nudist, have a sweet hairchest or fantastic boobs. Abang-abang yang jual gelembung sabun di Kota Tua will say we would need his product, in our nephew's birthday, a property for stage performance, or just for having fun around.
uno mas?
And then, that state of mind formed because the study or the job is how you dedicate yourself or taking part to this world, it is what we do most of the time.
I hate that this post sounds menggurui, like, girl, I am still on my puberty, I haven't even hit twenty, but it just that I hope people surround me have a better understanding, whatever this post apparently looks to you, so just stop ditch stuffs, But then again, it's actually a selfish & immature request, so again, it's just about me, need to have a better understanding of this world.